Sep 28, 2021



Reducing risk is an important part of managing the continued viability of any business. Implementing a health and safety management system in your brewery can help ensure you reduce your risk of incidents and injury which is likely to help reduce your annual workers compensation insurance premiums. Paramount to preventing incidents, is to take steps to lead a safety culture with commitment, risk assess your operations, set in place proper parameters for the reporting of incidents and prioritise training to staff. 


Take for example Rocks Brewery, who upon completing their first risk assessment with Victual, found out that some immediate changes could be made to improve the risk of incidents. Rocks Brewery have turned safety into a priority issue and have seen their Workers Compensation more than halved.  



In the current COVID climate, food and beverage businesses, including breweries, are telling Victual that it’s more important than ever to minimise insurance premium spend as they work to maintain pace during a challenging period in time. Insurance companies look favourably on organisations who have completed the BREWSAFE Training and who are not just aware of the safety risks in breweries, but who have taken active measures to train their teams and implement safety programs appropriate for their level of risk. By undertaking the BREWSAFE training, you’re demonstrating to insurers and workers compensation that you take risk seriously, and are proactively doing all you can to reduce the chance of a claim. 


Victual clients have special access to the BREWSAFE learning modules for support or contact our team for more information if you’d like to explore these learning modules further.